I guess there is something wrong with the thermostat in our house. Last year, the people I was with and I had the thermostat set at sixty-eight and I was never cold. This year, the thermostat is still at sixty-eight and I am constantly cold. Actually, if I were being honest, I am shivering most of the time. My partner sits around with his flannel shirt on all of the time, and he doesn’t mind the cooler temperatures, however now that I am getting older, I mind it more and more. I try to push the temperature on the thermostat upwards, hoping he doesn’t notice. I tend to mind the cooler temperatures in the afternoon, when I’m finally working. I’m wondering if it isn’t because I am so sedentary. I work in our office from home, and I don’t have a lot of room to move around. I try to get up and walk every half hour, just to keep the blood circulating. I think that if I rest more than that, our legs get cold, and after that I end up with cramps in our legs. I am still going to blame it on the thermostat. I’m beginning to guess that maybe the people I was with and I need to change the batteries in the thermostat. If the batteries are dying, then the thermostat can’t be finally working as well. I will have to fly that one by my. He’ll still insist it is me, however I guess it is the thermostat. All I have to do is convince him of that. Once I do, he’ll buy myself and others a new thermostat for our office, and I can get back to normal.