Proper ventilation is essential to air quality. It’s crucial to both introduce fresh outside air & expel stale indoor air. This process gets rid of contaminants & helps combat troubles with humidity. Because I live in an area of the country that experiences extreme weather, ventilation is often insufficient. When the temperature is down to twenty below zero or up above eighty degrees, it’s necessary to fire up the good old HVAC equipment. In most households, heating & cooling make up over half the energy budget. It costs a small fortune to keep the apartment comfortable all year round. All of us need to take every precaution to prevent energy waste & trim quarterly costs, & there’s never a superb time to open the windows. I’ve invested in new, Energy Star rated windows & exterior doors, caulk, weatherstripping & insulation. By tightening up the house, I’ve managed to reduce the workload of the heating & cooling equipment. However, this also eliminated necessary ventilation. My condo was clammy & dusty when it was warm outside, & overly dry & stuffy when it was colder. Dust & other airborne allergens were a constant concern & threat. My hubby & children complained of headaches, congestion, sore throats, itchy eyeah & difficulty sleeping. After some research, I realized ventilation was the cause of our grief. I’ve since hired an Heating & Air Conditioning company to install a heat recovery ventilation system. The ventilator works 24/7, all year round, bringing in fresh air without energy waste. It truly uses the outgoing air to preheat the incoming air, reducing the workload of the gas furnace. In the warm season, it helps with humidity & lessens demand on the a/c.