2 Days With No HVAC Unit

I had a real bad thing happen to me back in the fall.

My entire heating and air conditioning system broke down.

The really bad part about it all was that the heating and air conditioning company did not have any heating and cooling specialists available for 2 whole days! At first I was freaking out. I was wondering how in the whole wide world I was going to get by without my heating and air conditioning system for two full days! Then, I realized that the weather outside was not too hot, and not too cold, so I could open windows in the day time hours, and just close them at night. The 2 days without my heating and air conditioning system was something I had to get used to. But thankfully, it really all worked out ok thanks to the decent outdoor weather conditions we had at the time. Going without heating and air conditioning for two days in the fall season really got me thinking about what they used to do for heating and cooling back before the technology of air conditioning and heating. For heating I know they lit fires. But what did they do for air conditioning on really hot days and nights? It is really scary to think about! Maybe that is why people died so much younger in the old days. Who knows. All I know, is that I was so glad to finally have my central heating and air conditioning system back up and finally working a few days later! It was a true breath of fresh air!



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