The Utility Bill War is On

An LED bulb has a top end temp of around 87 degrees.

Our midsummer electric bill arrived the other day. It was not pretty. The thing was so bad that I have devised a frontal assault on slashing that bill significantly. My wife and kids point and laugh at me but I am all about the HVAC energy savings. I harp on them to pay attention to keeping doors shut and be mindful of the thermostat settings. However, I just took it a step further. My first shot was installing the smart thermostat. I love this thing. And it even integrates with our automatic blinds that I can never get programmed correctly. There is an app on my phone but I rarely remember to do anything with it during the work day. They might get lowered 30 percent of the time. That is not good enough. With the smart thermostat, it communicates with the blinds to close as the direct sun travels through the day. I’m also buying some solar screens for our floor to ceiling windows. This film is awesome and easy to apply. The solar film is capable of blocking 90 percent of ambient heating from sunlight. Another weapon I’m deploying is new light bulbs. While my family insists they love the incandescent bulb and all the cozy glow, they are still so gone. An incandescent bulb can reach temps of 335 degrees. An LED bulb has a top end temp of around 87 degrees. Yep, I am leading the charge on the war for a smaller utility bill. Just doing the things I’ve listed will provide a significant savings. I’m even thinking I may save somewhere north of 15 percent on the monthly utility bill.

a/c worker