Personal trainer helps me to finally reach fitness goals

I’ve tried joining a local gym, but I didn’t stay with it.

I was reluctant to try out a piece of equipment that I was unfamiliar with.

I worried that improper form could lead to injury. I’ve tried incorporating a jog into my daily routine, but simply ended up with sore feet and knees. My attempts at fitness were always disorganized and discouraging. I never achieved any type of results and found it difficult to continue. All of that changed when I finally consulted with a personal trainer. I realized that exercise strategies need to be fine-tuned to personal limitations and goals. The personal trainer tailored a workout program, meal plan and specific challenges to my lifestyle and expectations. While I used to spend the entire workout on a single exercise and put in the minimal amount of effort, the personal trainer mixes things up and pushes me to work harder and longer. She provides a great deal of information, motivation and instruction, always ensuring a positive experience. She makes every minute count, and although I’m always exhausted by the end, I’ve seen tremendous results. I like that she continues to introduce new exercises, always making sure of safe execution. When I started, I simply hoped to lose weight. I’ve now switched my plan to build muscle, shed fat, get healthy and age gracefully. Through a balance of cardio, strength training, good nutrition and plenty of sleep, I’m enjoying a better quality of life. Rather than reach a plateau where I stop seeing results, the personal trainer sustains my interest level, sets bigger goals and helps me to be a stronger, healthier person.


Core progression fitness