Getting my beach body back

For a long time, I was self-conscious because of my physical appearance.

  • I was overweight for several years.

There was a time when I was younger that I loved to go swimming whenever possible. When I became unhappy with my body, I was unwilling to put on a swimsuit. That was until I decided to start working out with a personal trainer. The personal trainer has been so helpful. He created a meal plan for me. The plan includes a wide variety of healthy foods to make sure I get the vitamins, minerals and protein that I need. I’ve been learning a lot from a nutritional counseling program, and it’s made a huge difference in the way I approach my diet. I have been following an intense workout routine. While it is difficult and demanding, this workout routine is exactly what I need to get back into shape and lose weight. I have so much more energy because of the healthy food and workouts. I find that I’m way more physically active throughout the day. I have been tackling jobs like weeding the garden and trimming the shrubs. I’ve been up on the roof to sweep off debris. These were tasks that I once avoided because they require too much exertion. I have started to shed the fat and I see a big difference in my body. My personal trainer says that now that I’m in the habit of eating healthy food, I’ll start to shed weight naturally. Of course I also want to build muscles. I am determined to achieve all of my fitness goals. I’m doing everything the personal trainer recommends. I’ve finally started swimming again. I’m no longer embarrassed by how I look. I’m proud of my hard work.

Personal Training