My friend is going to lose the core progression franchise name

My buddy Jenna came into some money after her dad died.

She decided to use that money to pursue her dream. Her dream is to own a gym. She decided to jump on the core progression franchise and took the name. She now has a core progression in our town and is running it. The problem is that my buddy is not the sharpest tool in the drawer. In order to maintain a franchise name, you need to do the training and fulfill all the requirements. If you don’t meet those rules, the franchise is taken away from you. Jenna bought a personal training franchise name. This means all her workers need to be certified fitness experts. She also has to offer certain fitness classes like nutritional counseling, bridal fitness, weight training and body wellness. There is no way my buddy can find qualified people and offer all those classes. She additionally has to go to seminars and training to hold up to the core progression standards. I know that she already has blown off a few of the training seminars. I am thinking that she will lose that franchise name in the next few months. It is a shame too. Having a gym in our town would be really nice. My buddy already paid for the building and the equipment too. That is just going to be money down the drain. She should have just opened up a normal gym where people swipe their cards to work out. That is easy money in the pocket and no training required on her part.

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