The wrong items

I am slowly starting to not be a big fan of ordering products that I need online. It seems every single time there is something wrong with the orders I make. No matter what it is. But I have noticed that it has happened the most when it comes to ordering heat and a/c products online! I will not get into all the mishaps I have had when it comes to heating and air conditioning related things I purchased online. But I will tell you that this last order I put in takes the cake! I ordered a whole bunch of HEPA air filters, a portable air conditioning system, and also a portable space heater. Spending several hundred dollars at this one heating and air conditioning supplier online. And would you believe that they sent me all the wrong items! Instead of HEPA air filters, they sent me some cheap generic air filters that I would not even want to put in my worst enemy’s central heating and air conditioning system! Then, for the portable space heater they sent me this little microscopic looking hand held fan! Not even a heater! Looked like something out of a cracker jack box! Then, the portable air conditioning system they sent was actually just that, but it was the wrong brand and model from what I ordered. Needless to say I got all of this straightened out with many hours on hold on the phone. But I will say this…I will no longer be ordering heating and air conditioning products on the internet! It’s in person buying for me only moving forward!

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