Training a rookie Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman

I have been assigned a rookie serviceman to train.

Moreover, the boss says I am supposed to “look out” for Kevin, & make sure he learns everything he needs for the work. I am in a precarious situation here, because I appreciate my task very much, & I am fond of my boss, but the modern guy Kevin is a jerk & I want nothing to do with him, kevin is the nephew of the boss, which is why it’s so pressing to train him well, however personally I don’t recognize Kevin has the focus or the task ethic to be an Heating & Air Conditioning tech. I am not sure what I can do about this, because if I go to the Heating & Air Conditioning supplier & trash talk Kevin it will just make me look bad. Instead of saying anything drawback I tried to focus on the positive, then for all his flaws, Kevin knows a lot about the Heating & Air Conditioning industry, & is enjoyable with talking to clients. I told the boss that Kevin shouldn’t be in the field doing repairs, he should be in the shop in charge of Heating & Air Conditioning sales. Kevin is a salesman at heart, & I have personally seen him talk several clients into upgrading their annual Heating & Air Conditioning service plan to the most high-priced tier. If Kevin can talk our Heating & Air Conditioning clients into spending more money, that’s where he should be spending his time. Kevin should be growing the company & making sales, & he can leave all the Heating & Air Conditioning task to me & the other techs. That is the idea I am going to pitch to the boss.



heating business