You need to know what to do if your A/C is contaminated in your car

Arguably, every automobile air conditioner has oil and refrigerant in it.

These are needed for familiar functioning of the cooling equipment.

Therefore, it is totally essential for you to check the oil and refrigerant levels from time to time to be sure they meet the level advocated by the manufacturer. The A/C refrigerant forms an important component of the air conditioner equipment. Its pressure varies from one A/C component to the next to create the desired cooling effect. The oil, on the other hand, lubricates all the moving parts in your A/C equipment to ensure your equipment runs correctly. It also protects your cooling equipment from wear and tear. The oil also cools down the A/C equipment as the refrigerant passes from high pressure to low pressure A/C components. Essentially, both the oil and A/C refrigerant circulates in a closed loop as the compressor keeps going… With time, these fluids actually become contaminated with rust, dust, moisture and other materials from a faulty compressor. These contaminants will be displaced all over your A/C equipment and settle in differing parts of the AC equipment. This is what is referred to as A/C contamination. Even replacing your cooling system’s compressor when the cooling system is contaminated will cause the compressor to pull in all the contaminants leading to premature failure of your modern compressor. It’s a great thing that you can repair this particular issue and restore your automobile A/C equipment to its optimum performance by flushing. However, when flushing your car’s A/C equipment, you shouldn’t flush its expansion valves, compressors, receiver driers and orifice tubes. It is also critical to check with a qualified automobile Heating and Air Conditioning worker to repair your contaminated AC.

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