My ductwork was real dirty

When I recently had a heating and air conditioning system tune up and check up, I found that my ductwork was filthy.

I had been having a little bit of an issue with air quality and air flow. And after the heating and air conditioning specialist from the local heating and cooling company had a deep look into things they found that my ductwork needed to really be cleaned. This is what was called a deep ductwork cleaning and it cost a bit more than your standard ductwork cleaning. The ductwork cleaning cost me almost double. But it was well worth it as within the first day after the ductwork cleaning I noticed a huge change in the air quality. It was actually better and I was not having sneezing and coughing issues like I had been having. From this point on I will be calling my local heating and air conditioning company every 5 months to have the ductwork of my central heating and cooling system unit cleaned to avoid such a thing in the future. I do not want to have to pay for deep ductwork cleanings as this could end up getting pretty expensive. Deep ductwork cleanings are only needed when you do not clean your ductwork for years as I did. This was a big mistake as it actually could have made my central heating and air conditioning system unit overwork itself and break to the point where I would have needed a new one. And I would not want to invest thousands into a brand new, up to date and pretty expensive central heating and air conditioning system at this point.


air duct