The sound of the heating system lulls myself and others to sleep

The sound of the heating system in my home lulls myself and others to sleep while I was in the fall and the winter.

My husband seems to think that our heating system is way too loud, although I would not have it any other way.

I just know that the roaring sound that comes through the heating vents in the winter season is peaceful and soothing. I don’t know if it reminds me of my childhood or what, but for some reason whenever the heating system kicks on while I was in the winter, it makes me want to cozy up under a blanket and go right to sleep. My husband actually keeps saying that there is something wrong with our heating system because it should not be this loud. However, I will not let him call the local Heating and Air Conditioning supplier to have them come out to the home to check it out. I just don’t want the heating system to be any quieter than it is. I know that sounds crazy, although I think I would be actually worried if our heating system stopped working loudly the way that it does. My husband groans every single time that our heating system kicks on while I was in the winter, although I just laugh about it. He says that it is the loudest heating system in history and he hates it so much. I can’t help but laugh about it, though. He hates it just as much as I enjoy it, and I think that is funny. Whenever it wakes him up at night with the loud whooshing and roaring sound, I just giggle and snuggle back in under the covers. I know the heating system just has the opposite effect on me for some reason.

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