Trick or treating with a friend

As deranged as this felt, it was pretty effective at keeping us cool while we searched high and low for that sweet scarce candy

I remember the silliest Halloween we ever had as a family. It was not because of particularly deranged costumes. it was not because someone spiked the punch, but just kidding, we were not allowed to drink as youngsters anyway; No, even as a child, I could think it as the silliest Halloween we ever had because of the way that we went trick-or-treating. You see, this was a single of the hottest Halloweens on record for our area; Summer had not quite gotten the memo that it needed to cease and desist, even this late into Fall. When we began our trick or treating escapades at at 6 p.m., it was 75° even outside! Not to mention that humidity was genuinely high. The deranged section was that our parents decided to drive us around the town so that we can have the benefit of the car’s cooling system machine as we trick or treated, then every one of us even had a couple of our next door neighbor friends join in, as their parents were particularly ecstatic to have their children supervised while I was in their trick or treating. As deranged as this felt, it was pretty effective at keeping us cool while we searched high and low for that sweet scarce candy. I could tell some of the other youngsters running around in the heat were pretty jealous that we had a vehicle with air conditioner to enjoy. Every one of us didn’t feel we were particularly special but our parents our surely did. They were not about to let their dear children overheat that evening!

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Working in a climate control space

I’ve taken more than 2 warehousing jobs in our life so far.

I was drawn in by the amount of income compared to the usual retail jobs I had taken beforehand. The toil was a superb deal more hard, although I definitely didn’t mind the exercise. Or at least, I would not have minded it near as much were it not for the serious temperatures I had to endure at our first warehousing job. I remember seeing the warning on the application about how the wareapartment was not climate controlled. Before I even knew what I was getting into, such a statement gave me pause. Both our winters plus summers are brutal around here. I wondered if I could hack it. It turns out that I could, but it took a whole lot of hydration in the Summer plus quite a few extra layers in the wintertime. On our dinner break, I would dash out to our motorcar just so I could enjoy its climate control for the 30 or so minutes that I had off. When I traded this warehousing job for another a single that was in a building that was climate controlled, I felt utterly spoiled those first few mornings on the job. It was the summertime again, plus the a/c felt amazing. I was able to toil so much harder plus faster with the benefit of a/c! My manager was quite impressed with the amount of toil I was able to get done in a day, but when I explained the conditions I worked in before, she understood.


heating provider

Need motivation? Invest in some a/c

A few months ago the company that I work for had a sign in the break room that said there would be a company wide half marathon at the end of the month, and the winner would be given an extra two weeks vacation, along with a $1000 dollar prize.

This was apparently some health initiative they were trying to promote in the company, but all I saw was the money and the time off. When I got home that night, I began to train to win this half marathon. When I arrived back home after a two mile run, all I wanted was to bask in some cool air conditioning and relax. Ten I started to realize the “basking in the air conditioning” part wasn’t going to happen because my a/c unit stopped working last week. I also started to realize that every day when I got back from my run I would return only to a humid house with no a/c I could feel the motivation begin to slip out of me. Then it hit me, why not just invest in a state of the art air conditioning unit before the race? What could be better motivation to go on a jog after a full day of work than coming back to a home that is set to a refreshing 68 degrees! As extra motivation, if I win this half marathon I will be able to pay it off with the prize money I make! The race is only a few days away now, but I have been training as hard as ever during this last month, and I am ready to win this race so I can pay off the new unit I bought, and get those vacation days to put the cherry on top. Wish me luck!

HVAC service

Clean up your house to fix up your health

From my point of view there has been a steady growing and fairly toxic idea that it isn’t “manly” for men to keep their houses or living areas clean in the younger generation.

  • I am personally a neat freak that needs to have everything clean and tidy around me.

My best friend and roommate though, well he is quite the opposite. Most of the time when I walk into his room to talk to him I feel like I should put on some protective body gear it is so nasty. Dirty clothes, beer cans, and old food are littered everywhere. Along with this dirty way of living he has on his side of the apartment it turns out it has had a very big impact on his health. Last week when I made an appointment with the local HVAC heating and cooling company and had them send out a certified repair tech to do a checkup on the place, they came to find out that air ducts and ventilation system in his room were in terrible condition and were showing clear signs of mold growth. My roomate had been complaining of having a cold for what seemed like months now, and we finally found out the reason why. I gave him an ultimatum after the HVAC repair tech left. Either tidy up, or find a new place to live. He eventually decided to try and clean up after himself, and I hope he can stick to it. If not he will have to find a new place to live before I allow him to let mold creep into our air ducts!
Heat pump

Really missing the old office

After working at the same office for the past twenty two years I lost my job due to the company being sold.

For the first few weeks after I was let go I was a complete and total mess.

Not only because I had made so many friends during my time at my old job, but I had the perfect set up. In my office I had a state of the art air conditioning unit that my boss had been gracious enough to donate to me as a gift for winning the “leadership” award a few years ago, and I also had formed a solid chemistry with my coworkers over that time frame. Not that I have found a new job and have been there for a while now, it just makes me miss my old job and my friends even more. My boss is rude, my coworkers aren’t welcoming, and my work area is terrible. Rather than having an office equipped with a state of the art a/c unit that I could control with a bluetooth remote, I am now resigned to a small cubicle with no air conditioning, no fans, and a desktop computer that looks like it is from the early 2000’s. I’m not going to lose faith just yet with this job however. After a few years I just might have an office and friendships similar to what I used to have, but until then I am facing some long and miserable days at work. As my mom would always tell me when I was younger, it could be a lot worse!

air conditioning filter

Promotion showed me what I had been missing

After my boss had emailed me and asked me to meet him in his office after lunch last month, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

It had been a crazy few weeks at work up to that point and I wasn’t sure how my boss and the other higher ups had thought about my performance.

Luckily for me, it turned out they were very impressed and I was offered a promotion on the spot. The very next day I was able to move out of my tiny cubicle in the middle of the office and set up shop in my brand new office! It was so large and spacious, I was at a loss for words. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by a certified HVAC repair tech who was busy installing my own personal air conditioning unit. For the past three or four years I had been working away in the cubicle area where there is little to no air conditioning or air flow which made working eight hours each day downright miserable. During my time in upper management with my own office, I can’t believe how much more pleasant working is when you have access to air conditioning and can close the door to your office for an hour or two for some peace and quiet. I think that some of my former coworkers are a little bit jealous due to me being their new manager and having my own office, but it is only going to make me work harder so none of them end up taking my position.

a/c repairman

Coolant is going to be finished soon

Did you guess that the AC machine needs refrigerant to convert air into chilly air? The liquid refrigerant creates a chemical reaction that chills in addition to freezes the air… Without this special refrigerant, the air isn’tmuch colder than outside; In fact, the cooling system is pretty useless without the chemical.

I did not guess much about liquid refrigerant, until our cooling system stopped working.

I read all about the many complications that could occur, in addition to every website made me believe the problem was low refrigerant; Unfortunately, that is not a problem that I can repair on our own. I had to contact a local Heating plus A/C supplier to add refrigerant to our Heating plus A/C unit. I wasn’t sure if that would repair the problem, but the Heating plus A/C professional check the plan first. I was 100% genuinely correct, in addition to the issue was low refrigerant, after adding some R-22 freon, the cooling system was cool once again. When the Heating plus A/C representative presented me with the bill, he also provided me an informative packet on converting from the R32 refrigerant. Apparently, this type of refrigerant is going to be phased out in less than 2 years; My partner in addition to I did not guess this when the two of us bought our seasoned cooling system, in addition to it’s only a few years of age. I recognize I will have someone from the Heating plus A/C supplier come over in addition to check the levels, right before the refrigerant becomes obsolete, then next time, the two of us will not have any option but get rid of the seasoned cooling system in addition to go with something new. I’m not looking forward to that afternoon at all.


HVAC equipment

freon is going to be gone soon

Did you assume that the A/C equipment needs refrigerant to convert air into cold air? The liquid refrigerant creates a chemical reaction that chills plus freezes the air, but without this special refrigerant, the air isn’tmuch colder than outside, then in fact, the a/c is pretty useless separate from the chemical.

I didn’t assume much about liquid refrigerant, until our a/c stopped working. I read all about the numerous concerns that could occur, plus every website made me know the complication was low refrigerant… Unfortunately, that’s not a complication that I can fix on our own. I had to contact a local Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C company to add refrigerant to our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit. I wasn’t sure if that would fix the problem, however the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C professional check the system first. I was 100% honestly correct, plus the issue was low refrigerant, and after adding some R-22 freon, the a/c was cool once again. When the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C representative presented me with the bill, he also offered me an informative packet on converting from the R32 refrigerant. Apparently, this type of refrigerant is going to be phased out in less than 2 years… My wifey plus I didn’t assume this when the two of us bought our old a/c, plus it’s only a few years of age. I guess I will have someone from the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C company come over plus check the levels, right before the refrigerant becomes obsolete; Then next time, the two of us will not have any option however get rid of the old a/c plus go with something new. I’m not looking forward to that day at all.

Furnace filter for sale

I introduce my brother the fitness guru

My brother is a self proclaimed fitness guru.

I can’t stand the heat and he is always preaching to me that I need to drink more water.

He says that if I drank enough water, I wouldn’t be hot all the time. The heat is because my body isn’t hydrated enough, so my body can’t cool itself off. I roll my eyes at him and I grab a cup of coffee and a donut which makes him feign that he is barfing. He is such a pompous idiot that I’m not even sure I like him. I was really having a problem when the air conditioning unit in my apartment building died. I was in a middle apartment, so I didn’t have much chance of even getting a breeze. The good thing was that I didn’t have a window for the sun to shine in and cause any solar heating in the apartment. I called my landlord about the AC and they told me they had a crew coming out, but they had been coming out for over a week now. My brother showed up and he asked where the air conditioning was. I told him I was drinking water, so I didn’t turn it on this week. He just looked at me, but I noticed he a sheen of sweat on his upper brow. He told me that he thought it was too warm and asked if I could turn it on just for a while. He said he couldn’t handle it when it was so hot inside. I had to tell him the AC was broken.


Air conditioner install

Winter is on its way

Over the last couple of weeks, I have had the air conditioning turned off and it is very comfortable in my home.

  • We called the HVAC company and asked if they would come out and service our furnace.

Although we no longer need the air conditioning, and it is comfortable without the either the AC or the furnace, we knew that winter was coming. I didn’t want to caught in the middle of winter with a broken furnace. When they come to our home to service the furnace, they don’t just clean the furnace. They look over every element in the furnace and look for and kind of broken or dirty part that is already there. They look for stress cracks or stress areas that may cause the furnace to break down in the future. They change the air filters and they clean the air ducts and check the ductwork for cracks or holes. Since we have a maintenance agreement plan, we only need to pay for parts involved, if there are any. We usually get a Gold Star for our furnace, but this year, they found a small problem. They found that there was a problem with the igniter switch. They changed out the switch to make sure the furnace ran perfectly when we needed it. The maintenance agreement plan doesn’t cost us much and since all we paid for was for the igniter switch, we think we have a good deal. I pay every two years, to keep my maintenance agreement plan alive and well. We pay a lot less for the agreement than we would if we had to pay for an emergency service call.
Ductless heat pump