My wife finds comfort these days with gardening

When my wife first talked about getting a greenhouse for gardening, I asked her what she knew about plants.

She was mad that I even asked such a question and she started her own garden out in the back.

She also grew flowers in the front and they were quite nice I had to admit. I had no idea she knew so much about gardening because she never seemed to be into it before. She explained to me that she used to garden with her mother and it was a painful memory. She still cries when she is out there gardening from time to time, and I guess that’s a good way for her to grieve and release some of that pain. I think she finds it more comforting than ever now because she has the feeling like she’s spending time with her mother again when she’s working in the garden. She was really sad when we were getting towards the end of the fall and her flowers were dying from the frost. I finally invested in a nice greenhouse and I put it together for her. I also installed a ductless mini split into the greenhouse so that she could have perfect temperature control settings year round. She couldn’t believe that I would do this, and this was a pretty nice greenhouse too! She brought in all the plants and flowers she preferred the most and she has been gardening year round ever since. I’m glad that I was able to help her a little bit to have something that gives her great comfort, and that ductless mini split has been working like a dream.



central heating

Life through the pandemic hasn’t been easy

Things were so difficult when everybody was affected by the pandemic.

I mean we made the right moves I thought, but my wife was inevitably let go from her job and I had to work remotely. She tried to find work, but she couldn’t get anything and I just had to work extra hard to cover the bills, HVAC maintenance, and everything else. Because we were suddenly depending on only my income, we had to get real tight with the budget. I told everybody not to mess with the thermostat no matter how uncomfortable they were. It was miserable trying to get through the summer season without enough air conditioning, but we managed! There were days when I felt like I should crank the A/C, but I knew that we just couldn’t afford a spike in the energy bills. We actually saved a lot of money though by sacrificing our comfort. Eventually, I was happy when my wife was able to get back to work though. My kids were happy and saying that now we could crank the A/C, but I told them no, we still had to save. I wanted to make sure we could afford the heating system tune-up in the fall season. That’s something essential to us and we were able to make it happen. Trust me, it would be a disaster if we had to cover emergency HVAC services in the winter because we didn’t get the tune-up in the fall. We definitely wouldn’t be able to afford emergency HVAC services and I’m glad we were able to keep it all together getting through the pandemic.

air conditioning

Turns out if you spoil your kid, you come up with problems

I thought I was doing the right thing by getting a window A/C unit for our son’s room.

I figured he could focus more on his studies and get better grades.

Well, he was comfortable in his room alright but mostly to enjoy playing video games. He said he was studying and working on his homework, but apparently he was not so focused on getting good grades. I ended up learning that he cheated on his tests and he plagiarized many of his papers. When we confronted him about what was going on, he acted like it was not his fault! I couldn’t believe the nerve of this kid. He even tried to defend his cheating by saying he would have been fine if he just didn’t get caught. Well this made me furious and I ended up grounding him for a month. I took away his window A/C unit and made sure he was studying with no video games or anything fun to do. He was not allowed to go out and play with his buddies either. He couldn’t even listen to music! Well, surprisingly, he did start to study harder and he told us he learned his lesson. We still made sure he served his time being grounded and he worked hard because he wanted to get his window A/C unit back along with everything else that he missed. When he was done being grounded, we told him firmly that he better not mess around in school and stay focused, or his punishment would be much worse next time. After that, he hasn’t had any problems.
cooling and heating provider

We will always carry on our mother’s tradition

My parents always wanted to make sure we all stayed close as a family.

This is why we regularly have had Sunday dinners together.

We also would regularly get together on Monday evenings to enjoy game nights together. We made this a regular thing that we would get together like this on Sundays and Mondays no matter what. Unless there was a really good excuse, we had to be there. Well, this worked out pretty well over the years. We typically would meet at my parents’ home and relax in front of their fireplace when we would enjoy game nights. We enjoyed playing all kinds of games like monopoly, life, clue, and other types of board games. On Sunday nights though, we would typically enjoy watching some football and we would have a nice dinner commonly cooked by our mother. She has always been the best cook and I always look forward to her homemade meals. Well, that was until she passed away more recently and this has been something that is especially difficult for all of us. We knew to keep her happy, we had to carry on this family tradition of getting together, but we had to come up with some good meal ideas. Nobody could cook nearly as well as her, but we started taking turns with the meals. I personally like to cook steaks on the grill, but everybody has their own thing. As long as we can relax with the perfect temperature control settings and good food, we always have a great time. And now we always toast to our mother in front of the fireplace to remember her.


hvac technology

We were able to get through the pandemic with UV air purification

It was a miserable time at the beginning of the pandemic, but everybody in my family seemed to come through it okay. I was especially worried about my grandparents because they were susceptible to this illness that was spreading around. I already had a UV air purification system installed in my house. I actually asked them if they had anything like that and they told me they didn’t. Because I was so worried about them but couldn’t visit them, I decided to go online to find the best portable UV air purifiers I could find. Then I had those UV air purifiers delivered to their home. I told them on the phone that I was sending them a couple of UV air purifiers and they thanked me for that. They didn’t seem to know what the UV light did, and so I told them how it worked to eliminate dangerous pathogens. They actually were excited to hear about these UV air purifiers and they appreciated the fact that they also used an advanced HEPA filter to knock out odors, bacteria, mold, and all kinds of contaminants. When they finally got the UV air purifiers, they were excited to tell me about how they were working. They said they never had such great air quality in their house before and they wanted to pay me back for the UV air purifiers. I told them they didn’t have to worry, I just wanted to make sure they were safe through this pandemic situation. I also gave some UV air purifiers to other family members who I thought could use them and they were thankful as well.

hvac professional

The kids actually enjoyed the cabin that had climate control

This place was amazing with a nice ductless mini split that worked off solar panels

I’ve taken my family out camping every so often, but my children never seemed to have such a great time. They always complained about insect bites and the lack of climate control. My eldest son said we should just rent an RV and then we could use the climate control system to be comfortable. He also said it would provide us the perfect shelter away from the mosquitos and other dangerous animals in the wild. I thought that was not the right way to camp, but the thought of a nice space with climate control did seem tempting. I was kind of sick of hearing my children complaining about the bug bites too and I told them to wear insect repellent. Then they complained that they didn’t like the smell of the insect repellent and I felt like I just couldn’t win with these kids. I was trying to teach them how to enjoy camping and the great outdoors, but I felt like I failed. I hadn’t gone camping with them for a little while until I finally saw an advertisement for a camping resort where you could rent a cabin. It seemed like a pretty exciting experience and so I decided to rent a cabin that actually came with climate control. This place was amazing with a nice ductless mini split that worked off solar panels. Everything worked and there was even satellite television which I thought was a bit much, but the kids enjoyed it. We actually had fun spending time in that cabin and the kids said this was the best camping experience they ever had.


new hvac equipment

I knew something would go wrong when I brought my kids to see their uncle

I just knew that something would go wrong when I brought my kids over to visit at my brother’s house.

  • He told me to bring everybody along, especially my wife and kids.

They hadn’t visited with their uncle in awhile and he was always happy to see everybody. Well, my brother still doesn’t have any children so I don’t think he understands how bad they can actually be. Well, he learned this last time when we all came to visit. Something my brother wanted to show me right away was his new smart thermostat. He was talking so excitedly about it and all the many features. I think because of how proud he was about his new smart thermostat, it made my children especially interested in the HVAC component. So when I was outside talking with my brother having a cigarette, the kids were rough housing inside of his house. They made a huge mess inside the place. I told them to all quit horsing around and to clean up the mess. The next time my brother and I went outside to talk for a little while, we heard something break and it didn’t sound very good. It turned out that it was his new smart thermostat. Now my brother doesn’t get upset very often, but he was pretty angry about his new thermostat being broken. I apologized profusely and told him I would buy him a new one just like the one he had. He tried to say not to worry about it, but I insisted because it was my fault.


Air purification help

We love our salsa making contests

Something that my friends and I love to do every year is have a salsa making contest.

When we get our salsa together, we all become judges, but we have to do everything blindly.

One of us will set the different salsas in front of us randomly until we make judgments as to which is the best salsa. We vote on the most enjoyed salsa and whoever wins gets the cash from the prize pool that we put in. The thing is, most of the salsa turns out extremely spicy. I don’t know about you but when my mouth is on fire, I feel like I need to cool down. I usually go in front of the HVAC vents to relax for a little while. Usually, my other friends will join me and we will even crank up the air conditioning system. It always helps to have a cold beverage, I find that milk is typically the best choice. I guess it’s because the milk does a great job at coating your throat. Sometimes when you drink water, it makes my mouth feel like it’s even more on fire, and I don’t like that feeling. I usually go for a medium spice when I make my salsa and I have won a bunch of times. Everybody agrees that my salsa is delicious, but some of my buddies say it doesn’t have enough kick. I’m actually thinking about installing a new cooling system in my house because of this contest we do. I often thought it would be nice to crank up the cooling system but have it very powerful so it cools things down quickly. I learned about rapid cooling and I really want to have a cooling system like that installed in my house.



a/c products

It was actually exciting learning about the different HVAC options on the market

I was really fascinated with all the HVAC options when we had a free consultation with an HVAC professional.

I honestly never realized that there were so many types of HVAC systems available on the market.

I thought everything was interesting like geothermal HVAC systems, ductless HVAC systems, and heat pumps. I liked the sound of radiant heated floors and different styles of heating systems like boilers. I learned how with radiant heated floors, you could use a boiler system for those or even an advanced water heating system. The ductless water heaters were a good option and with those, you can basically shower as long as you want without the hot water running out and use them for the radiant heated floors. I guess out of everything, radiant heated floors stood out the most. I told my wife we should go for the radiant heated floors and a powerful cooling system. The HVAC professional suggested going for a cooling system with the rapid cooling feature. He said they would install a narrow ductwork system and it was easy to maintain. It sounded good to me and so we went for it. Now we have radiant heated floors which are amazing. The cooling system is also impressive and I love showing friends and family how fast we are able to cool down the place with our A/C system. Even to this day, I can’t believe how powerful the cooling system is. Even my father was impressed when he came out to visit, and he is not impressed very often.


a/c representative

Our son has been a little monster ever since he became a toddler

Honestly, I can’t even leave my son alone for even a minute.

He’s a toddler but he gets into everything.

I never realized before we had a kid how much trouble they could be! I thought we were good when we baby proofed the house, but as he got older, he learned how to get through all the baby proof devices. It’s almost like they are worthless because they don’t do anything to hold him back. The thing that really has been getting to me lately is that he loves to play in the fireplace! We try to keep it as clean as possible, but he gets entirely filthy whenever he gets in there. I put up a gate around the fireplace to keep him out, but he knows how to unlock the child proof mechanism and he gets right in! Just the other day, I ran to the bathroom to pee really fast and I came back as soon as I was done washing my hands and he was right in the fireplace again! I’m going to have to find another type of lock to keep him out of there, but I figure he might just use chairs or something to jump over the gate. I don’t know with this kid, he is driving me crazy. He even has been messing with the thermostat lately and the temperature control settings are always off! I’m telling you, this kid is going to drive me insane. I don’t know how much longer I can last, but I’m trying to keep it together. We might have to get a maid or something to help with this little monster.

HVAC equipment