I could sleep in air con all day long

Today is going to be a day of no exercise and no drumming or singing so that I can rest this tired body a bit.

The past week I have either played beach volleyball, or drums and singing in the band, for a total of five days out of seven.

So needless to say, I am pretty wiped out and in need of a good rest day and a long night of good sleep. I just have to go get some food at two nearby stores, which will take me all of about half an hour, and then my HVAC system is going to need a little attention. I will just do the shopping today and have an easy day with the cats in my flat and just enjoy living in this peaceful abode. My air conditioning works great and I even have a backup unit in my bedroom in case the main one breaks down or something happens that requires an extra unit. Today I already have my dinner ready as I cooked it this morning when I got up so that I wouldn’t have to do it later when I am tired. I will clean my washable HEPA filter later on this week and that is pretty much all I am doing this week other than play music at night with my bandmates. I try to just focus on music because it gives me so much joy and fulfillment that I feel I should put most of my energy into seeing how it will blossom. For now, it is air conditioning and cats.

hydronic heating

A long day of cooling corp work

I think next year we will put out our debut album with our top 13 songs, which will work great in local businesses and even in the HVAC company where we both work

I have to wait two more hours before I go to buy food because it is Monday and the stores are usually clogged up with shoppers the whole morning until the early afternoon. I think it starts to slow down around 2pm but I like to wait till 3:30pm when it is at its slowest so I can have a relaxed shopping experience. I gave this lady clerk our music card because I made a happy song and it reminds me of her energy and I want to see if she liked the songs. We keep giving local businesses our cards and spreading them around the town to see what the local contractors think of the music. So far we have been getting a lot of positive feedback and some clubs are wanting to book us. But we want to play in climate controlled bars and not in ones that are too hot or cold without any heating or cooling. I think we will wait one more year before we start to tour because we are still trying to get our sound down and want to have a distinct style when we tour so we look good. I think next year we will put out our debut album with our top 13 songs, which will work great in local businesses and even in the HVAC company where we both work. We are going to do the ski lodges in the winter as we have a good little cabin at the base of the mountain and are in the perfect spot for doing shows.


cooling products

13 cooling units to knock out

It is Monday and I am feeling it.

This past weekend we played in the band Friday and Sunday for a total of about five hours and my hands and voice were totally shot.

We are making some home grown Cali songs from the old school 408 town where I used to play volleyball back in the 90s, which is world famous for skateboards. I have some deep roots from Cali and I am blending that spirit with our music as I am a sand shark from way back, ever since I picked up a skimboard in the Cruz. HVAC repairs keep me going so I can keep playing music on the climate controlled beaches and refining our style. I think in about two years we will have our style down and will be making all sorts of songs in that genre. We need to talk about air conditioning and heating because that is what we both do when we are not making songs. We are also trying to get our look down so that we can dress the part, which is going to be a Cali beach vibe with the colors black and red. It is all coming together so quickly and the HVAC company where we work has been great about giving us time off from the heating and cooling work to do our music venture. I think in about two years we will have to leave the company and just focus on music because all of these beach bars are trying to get us to come play at their bars.

hvac maintenance

Running some more ductwork soon

I bought several pairs of wool socks for winter but they seem to wear out quickly as I drag my feet when I walk in the flat

Today is going to be a big day of writing as I try to write 14 articles. I fell behind a bit this weekend because our band was playing on Friday night and Sunday night and I had no time to do my work. But we made some new and really good songs and it was well worth it. So today, I am going to be working from home most of the day because it takes me a good 15 minutes or so to write one article. I go slow when writing HVAC stories because I have to think of what to write about. Some writers can just rattle off one story after another without thinking much about it, but for me the process is a bit slower. I sometimes take a break to adjust my smart thermostat when it is getting too stuffy in the flat, or other times I will turn on the heated flooring because it is too cold for my feet in the winter when I am walking around my flat. I bought several pairs of wool socks for winter but they seem to wear out quickly as I drag my feet when I walk in the flat. My radiant heated floors are a game changer though and they really do a good job of heating up my feet so I don’t need to buy more socks. I like where I live and would love to stay here another five or so years before moving to a rooftop flat so I can work on a garden each day like my HVAC tech friend does.

cooling and heating business

By the sea with climate control

We are almost in the month of June now and things are going to start heating up again

Ahh we made some really cool songs this past weekend, and even with the cops stopping us it was worth it. We have a constant battle with the police about playing music in the streets with amplified sound. On one hand you have all the happy people watching us and dancing and singing, and on the other hand you have the angry people in their flats calling the cops when they hear us playing. It is a fine line trying to walk this tightrope without getting arrested, but music has such a strong pull that it’s worth the risk. heating and cooling repairs are looming in the background as my HVAC system makes some funny new sound. Well, I wouldn’t call it a funny sound because that funny sound is probably going to cost me $1000. But then again, I am friends with the HVAC tech at the local business and they will probably fix the system for a good price. I mean, they have good prices regardless of whether they know you or not, so getting the unit fixed is going to have to happen either way. I just want to have some cold air con soon when the temps start to get into the hot zone, which is going to be within a few weeks I bet. We are almost in the month of June now and things are going to start heating up again. July and August are the really hot months though and we will be running the air conditioning almost nonstop. But that is fine because I like it hot.



air conditioning repair service

Our old laundromat did not have heating and cooling inside

I grew up in a really small town that hadn’t been updated in decades.

Our grocery store was still largely the same since it was built in the 1950s.

If you wanted the experience of going back in time, all you needed to do was visit our city. When I brought back a friend to visit from college one time, they were shocked at how old everything in the city was. The bowling alley had a roof that leaked and arcade games that had been installed in the early 1980s. When I was growing up, it was even worse here. There was never anything to do for anybody under the age of 40. And once you hit the age of 21, you would likely go to sports bars and get drunk with friends. Back in the day we had a laundromat with the oldest machines inside. It was fortunately fairly cheap to do laundry there because of how old all of the amenities were. I had to go to that laundromat for a solid year when my parents couldn’t afford to replace our clothes dryer. It broke down and we didn’t have room outside to put up clothes lines. I would take all of our loads wet over to the laundromat to dry them. The worst thing about that laundromat was the lack of any heating or cooling. I lived in an area with fairly extreme seasons year-round. In the winter and Autumn season, it would get really cold outside and we would feel it inside the laundromat. I honestly think the cold temperatures made it take longer for the clothing to dry. And then once the late spring and early summer rolled around, temperatures would get excruciatingly hot outside. These days I live in a place with newer built businesses and laundromats that all have heating and cooling inside.


residential hvac

My last time buying these air filters

I am really kicking myself for buying these real cheap generic air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system! I had seen them on sale for a ridiculously low price and figured that it would be one hell of a deal to grab them up and save a few bucks on the air filters that I buy for my central heating and air conditioning system unit.

However when I started using them I found that you get exactly what you pay for.

These generic brand air filters were absolutely god awful! They needed to be changed once every few weeks first off. That is pretty utterly ridiculous and I have never seen anything before like this! Then to add insult to injury these generic brand air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system would also give off the worst possible air quality because they got filled up with dirt, grime and pet dander so very easily. I think this may have been some late April fools joke or something like that. That is the only explanation for these generic brand air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system unit being this bad. I can tell you that for one hundred and ten percent sure I will never ever in my whole entire lifetime be ever buying these air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system unit again! As a matter of fact I ended up just throwing away the ones that were left and I went out and bought my expensive usual HEPA brand air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system unit!

new heating

My first time buying these air filters

I recently bought HEPA brand air filters for the very first time. And by the way, I am talking about HEPA air filters for my central heating and ari conditioning system unit. I will tell you that these HEPA air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system are the very best! I had never tried air filters that were this great before. The HEPA brand air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system are like no other air filters I ever tried in the past. They really make it so that the air flow and air quality is good in my house. Much better than before when I was buying regular generic brand air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system unit. The HEPA brand air filters that I just tried and will be trying and most likely keeping for life are way more expensive than those older generic air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system unit. However it is well worth paying the extra price for them because they are of the most top quality and utmost top of the line in air filters on the heating and air conditioning market today. I am actually very proud of myself that I actually had the guts to take the plunge and buy a bunch of HEPA brand air filters for my central heating and air conditioning system unit to be able to try them out and see what they could do. They do not disappoint in any way, shape or form. I feel that HEPA brand air filters are where it’s at today!


more information on air conditioning

A tarp for my central heating and cooling unit

This got me thinking about what the heating and air conditioning specialist said to me about the tarp for the central heating and air conditioning system and how it can protect the central heating and air conditioning system from bad weather and such like that

With the crazy weather we have been having and all the rain I was worried about my central heating and air conditioning system getting damaged. So what I did was went out and bought a cover for the heating and cooling unit. Otherwise known as a tarp. This tarp will be able to protect my central heating and air conditioning system unit. It was actually one of our local heating and air conditioning specialists that suggested that I get a tarp for the heating and cooling unit. Because the last time I was having my annual heating and air conditioning tune up and check up they mentioned about protecting the central heating and air conditioning system against bad weather, hail, rain and other types of storms. They mentioned that a tarp would be the best thing to do. I never paid attention to it for a while until the other day when we were having some real hard rain and it was banging off of my central heating and air conditioning system. This got me thinking about what the heating and air conditioning specialist said to me about the tarp for the central heating and air conditioning system and how it can protect the central heating and air conditioning system from bad weather and such like that. So this is what prompted me to finally go out and buy the tarp for my central heating and air conditioning system unit. And this will actually be something good that will make me feel more relaxed about the whole thing because i’ll know that the central heating and air conditioning system is protected.
heating provider

The first hour of air conditioning

Monday Morning, I am not feeling this 6 am start today.

I have to get my rear moving if I want to have a productive day at work.

I just want to lay here in bed and not move at all. I can feel the wonderful air conditioning blowing through the vents of the central air conditioning system. I feel before I contacted the HVAC company to have the air conditioning installed, waking up wasn’t as hard at all during the summer. The winter was hard because I just wanted to stay warm under the covers but now I just love the cool air that the A/C system brings. Maybe I’ll turn the TV on for a bit and just lay here and relax. I then can see what the weather is like and other things that are going on in the local area. The remote is across the room. How did it get over there? I have my cellphone so I can just look on there to see. It’s going to be 85 degrees outside today! The sad thing is that I work from home so I can lay in bed for a bit longer but then my workday will stretch out. I can just get on and start my job now since we have flex start times. I don’t think I’ll do that though and just daydream a bit and figure it out after. I technically have a 2 hour window to start, well only 90 minutes now but this air conditioning and laying in bed feels so dang good. Alright, I guess I should get up and get going.

hvac provider