My relaxing friend plus I are fortunate to have been roommates for nearly a year now. Things kinda worked out in that the people I was with and I started rooming together soon after the people I was with and I began working for the same organization. Busy by trade plus strenuous workers by nature, the people I was with and I have been privileged to have owned our humble abode for just shy of a year, having moved in early last Springtime. Fast forward to now, Wintertide has suddenly started to rear its head plus along with it has a series of somewhat hard circumstances done the same. Aside from the obvious snow plus general freezing that tends to go along with the Wintertide season in our neck of the woods, this particular season has brought with it excessively freezing hot plus cold temperatures and another unexpected aspect: static electricity. Both our roommate plus I have experienced static previously in particular respects; but, there is something unique about the form of static that we’ve experienced this season. To deal with it, the people I was with and I soon began looking for solutions, plus our search for answers led us to the local heating plus cooling supplier down the street from where the people I was with and I live. In turn, the people I was with and I eventually set an appointment for a lake beach house visit. Upon the supplier sending a team of suppliers out, they did a rather brief diagnosis plus determined that the best, most cost-saving-but-sufficient measure to be the dealer of a whole-lake beach house humidifier. Initially unsure of their recommendation, the people I was with and I elected to get a hour opinion, plus the hour Heating & Air Conditioning supplier suggested the same thing. As a result, the people I was with and I bought a humidifier from them, which soon helped our static-related complications.