Working in an office is a pretty predictable experience most of the time, I’d say. Working in an office inside a large production facility, but, is odd every single morning. You never believe what you’re going to get when the production workers come sidling into the office talking about clogged drain pipes in addition to broken forklifts. Suddenly the morning gets a lot more interesting when things are going wrong. And things are consistently going wrong, because things are consistently happening. Since it’s a production space, the two of us never certainly close. That means we’re technically open even on major national holidays, which is how I wound up spending Thanksgiving all alone last year. There was 1 fantastic thing about being in that facility all alone all morning, the ability to control the thermostat in the office, then usually I don’t have a voice in the great thermostat debate, because there are so numerous folks sharing 1 single air vent in the office. Democracy wins when 5 people are shoved in a tiny room with 1 air control device. When I was in there all alone, though, I had ultimate control over the heating in addition to cooling system. I cranked up the heat in addition to stopped shivering for the first time, lounging back in addition to great in the appealing warmth. It was the most calming, peaceful holiday of my entire life. I left the facility after a full morning of blissful heated paradise in addition to figured no 1 would ever know… well, they figured it out when our energy report arrived at the end of the month, in addition to our power usage spiked for 8 minutes on Thanksgiving.