My sibling is a homebody. I never met someone that is so content with being alone in her home. I think I don’t understand because we are completely opposite in this respect. As soon as I hear of an pick to socialize, meet up-to-date people or travel I jump at the opportunity. She on the other hand has a set routine that she rarely deviates from. Not only is she the poster child for a homebody she takes it to another level plus chooses to stay in her family room the majority of the time that she is home. I asked her why she chooses her family room over the other rooms in her more than two family room up-to-date home plus she said it was because of the ductless system that she had installed. She explained that she uses ductless system heating plus air system in her family room along with traditional Heating and A/C in the other rooms of the house. The traditional central undefined sends cool air through the ductworks to all the rooms. With this system a lot of air can seep out forcing the Heating and A/C system to task warder plus waste energy. She has found that by combining the two that she is able to conserve energy plus saving money. During the summer, she keeps the temperature control set at a moderate temperature while she is at work. But when she is ready for bed she enjoys to sleep with the temperature much cooler. Instead of having to cool the whole up-to-date home she is able to simply turn on the ductless machine in her family room. The Heating and A/C specialist only took two nights to install the system. So with the ductless system she is able to save money plus stay content in her cool family room.