I try to go for a four-mile jog every morning. It’s a great way to wake up, keep in shape, and get energized for the day. Unfortunately, the weather in the area where I live is unpredictable. I am often faced with rain, wind, severe cold, or brutal humidity. It is difficult to know how to dress for the run. While I would prefer to run outside, I don’t like going without access to water, a bathroom, and temperature control. I’ve already gotten chased by dogs, stung by bees, and nearly run over by a car. I’ve twisted my ankle stepping into a pothole, gotten a sunburn, and been interrupted by someone needing directions. It is much simpler to run on the treadmill. I have my water bottle handy and can adjust the temperature through an app on my smartphone. I am fortunate to have a wifi accessible thermostat and a zoned HVAC system installed in my house. The wireless thermostat allows me to raise or lower temperature, set fan speed, and even regulate humidity without ever getting off the treadmill. Because the HVAC system features zoned conditioning, the changes I make don’t affect the entire house. I can personalize the climate in the room with the treadmill to suit me. Plus, my furnace and central air conditioner are only a couple of years old and extremely energy efficient. I don’t worry too much about the monthly utility bills. I can keep my home at the perfect temperature all year round without paying a fortune. The HVAC system creates the perfect environment for me to enjoy my run. It does, however, get a bit boring running on the treadmill nearly every day.