I recently got a phone call from what turned out to be a scammer using the heating and cooling industry as its main form of scam. They called me up and was offering me a so called free brand new and up to date heating and cooling system. That to me sounded way too good to be true! Usually, when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This was no different. But, I went on to listen to this scammer anyhow. He went on saying that the latest in heating and cooling technology could be mine just for letting them instal a brand new and up to date heating and cooling system, an air purification system as well as free radiant heated floors for the heat. We were looking at what would be several thousands of dollars worth of heating and cooling equipment! Of course, after this scammer on the phone was done telling me the thousands of dollars of heating and cooling things that I would get for free just for testing them out on the market, he went on to ask me for my banking information, social security number and if I had any credit cards! I asked this idiot why he needed all that, and he became very irritated with me and said that it is to prove I am credit worthy. I laughed at this moron and said to him, if he was giving me free heating and cooling equipment, then what did credit matter? He got all flustered and hung up the phone. I was not the fool this scammer thought I was!