HVAC Worker Was Awful

I had to have my heating and cooling system tuned up a few months ago.

The local heating and cooling service in town recently just changed owners, and they had a lot of new hires on board.

I really did not want some unknown and just starting HVAC worker to work on my heating and my air conditioning system. However, I had no choice as this specific heating and air conditioning company was the only game in town, so to speak. I took my chances and set up the heating and air conditioning tune up. When the heating and cooling worker got there, he was really clueless on what to do with the actual heating and cooling tune up. I was really shocked they sent a heating and cooling specialist with no experience in heating and air conditioning tune ups! I right away told the guy that I was not interested in having him attempt to work on my heating and cooling system unit. He gave me a really dirty look and went on his way. I called the heating and cooling company back, and I told them that if they can not send an experienced heating and air conditioning worker to my house for my heating and air conditioning tune up, I would just skip it until I could find a new heating and air conditioning company! That scared them straight! They finally sent an HVAC specialist out that knew what they were doing! I got my HVAC tune up in no time. That will teach them to not mess me with me!



Heater maintenance