Smart thermostat accommodates hectic schedule

My husband and I both work full-time, demanding jobs.

We also have a giant house, three kids and two dogs to take care of.

Our kids are all involved in sports, and on most nights, we either have practices or games to attend. We typically leave the house by 7:30 every morning and don’t return until around 8 PM. Because of our hectic lifestyle, it’s difficult to keep up with everyday challenges. We struggle to find time to get the laundry done, buy groceries, vacuum, mow the lawn and get the oil changed in the car. There is definitely no extra time to deal with sudden problems. We need to keep all of our essential home systems and equipment running reliably. One of the best decisions I’ve made was to invest in a smart thermostat. For the first seven days after installation, the smart thermostat tracked every adjustment we made to temperature. It then learned our schedule and built a program to accommodate it. The thermostat automatically adjusts temperature settings to conserve energy when we’re sleeping or out of the house and welcomes us back to perfect comfort. It sends me emailed alerts when it’s time to change air filters or schedule professional maintenance. If there’s a problem with the furnace or air conditioner, the thermostat notifies me as well as our chosen HVAC professional. Most often, remote diagnosis solves the problem. Plus, we have access to information and controls from virtually anywhere. The app is wonderfully user friendly and allows me to make changes in a matter of seconds.



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