The AC was the only remedy for sunburns

Both of us had to cancel our Summer holiday last year thanks COVID, so this year all of us were all geared up for it, however it is a enjoyable multiple minute automobile trip to the beach, so all of us don’t go often, but when all of us do go all of us stay there for a few days plus make the most of it.

Our beach trips are sort of legendary, with the leaving behind of all worries plus expectations plus the temporary embracing of tplot indulgence, but both of us were so stoked to see the water that all of us stayed in the sunlight the entire first day, plus got brutally sunburned in the process, and as soon as all of us felt the sweet relief of the air conditioner in the hotel suite, things got a little better, then the next morning was a different story, plus even the AC wasn’t enough to take away the sting.

I ran to the store plus got the biggest bottle of aloe vera they had, plus then stood naked in front of the air vent plus applied it on my reddened skin. I just stood there in front of the hotel room air conditioner for at least an minute, because sitting totally still right in front of the air was the only thing that helped. By the hour day I was able to transport free around the air conditioned room with minimal pain, but going back out in the sunlight was not an option. It wasn’t the beach trip all of us wanted, plus involved a lot of PPV motion pictures plus sitting in front of the air conditioner, but at least all of us had each other.


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