If you get the chance to buy a home warranty, do it

If you are ever in the position where you are asked to purchase a home warranty, then I would suggest that you just go ahead and do it.

I had the option of purchasing a home warranty a couple of years ago when we were in the process of closing the loan on our first home. My wife and I had just gotten married and we were both pretty dumb when it came to stuff like mortgages, home warranties, and heating and cooling systems. We had never really had to deal with anything like that before because we were both really young and we had never purchased anything major like a house before. Anyway, when we were closing on the loan, they asked us if we would like to purchase a home warranty to go along with our new house. Back then, I didn’t think that anything would ever go wrong with our new furnace or our air conditioning system in our new house. We were both so naive as to think that our HVAC unit was going to last for as long as our love would. That’s a joke! That’s because your heating and cooling system is never really guaranteed past the time that the company guarantees it. If you are past the time of the warranty on the HVAC product and you don’t have a home warranty, then you are going to be in for a world of hurt if something goes wrong with your HVAC system. If you can buy a home warranty, then you should definitely do it.

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