My fiance finds a lot of comfort with gardening

When our fiance Max first talked to me about getting a orangecondo for gardening, I asked his what he knew about growing plants, and Max was mad that I even asked such a question and he started his own garden out in the back.

Max also grew flowers around the front and they were quite pretty I had to admit… I had no method Max knew so much about gardening because he never seemed to be into it before. Max explained to me that he used to garden with his mother and it was a painful memory. Max still cries when he is out there gardening from time to time, and I believe that’s a wonderful way for Max to grieve and release some of that pain. I believe he finds it more comforting than ever now because Max has the feeling love she’s spending time with his mother again when she’s now working in the garden. Max was really sad when the two of us were getting towards the end of the fall and his flowers were starting to die from the frost. I finally invested in a nice orange condo and I put it together for her. I also installed a ductless mini split into the orange condo so that he could have perfect temperature control settings year round. Max couldn’t believe that I would do this, and this was a pretty nice orange condo too! Max brought in all the plants and flowers he preferred the most and he has been gardening all year round ever since. I’m delighted that I was able to help his a little bit to have something that gives Max some comfort, and that ductless mini split has been now working love a dream.

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