Leaning towards installing a ductless mini split

When I was talking with my buddies about what type of HVAC I should go for, everybody had some great ideas.

My one friend was saying a geothermal HVAC would be the best.

I asked if that wasn’t ridiculously expensive. He smiled and said it was expensive, but it definitely was worth the investment. He said it was an HVAC system that would last me for half a century with minimal maintenance. He said the reason for it being so costly was because of the digging that was necessary for the installation. The pipes have to be under the ground where the temperatures remain stable, and from those pipes the heating energy is pulled into the house for heating and pushed back out for cooling. There are even more advanced geothermal systems that can also generate electricity to help power the household or building. That I had to admit sounded fascinating and it seems like the way of the future, but I couldn’t afford to spend so much money. Most of my other friends were saying I should go for a nice dual fuel system. I ended up getting a quote for the installation of a dual fuel system, and I thought it was kind of expensive. I was telling my friends I wished I could just install my own HVAC system. One of my friends laughed and said I could do that. When I was going to say I was just joking, he was serious and said there are DIY ductless mini splits on the market and he showed me installation videos and how simple it was. Now I’m leaning towards installing a ductless mini split!


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