My brother has always been skilled in all things

I always thought my brother was too skilled in everything he chose to do.

He always told me I could do anything he could, but I always doubted that.

He was the captain of the basketball team and he was popular with everybody! He also had good grades consistently and I didn’t know how he managed to do it. On the other hand, I was always struggling and I swore that I had some type of learning disability or something. So after we graduated, went to college, and got into our respective careers, next thing I knew he had installed his own HVAC system! I asked him if he was an HVAC professional on the side or what, but he said he was still just a regular banker. He told me that he learned that he was able to install his own HVAC from some buddies of his and then he learned how to do the installation. He said he would be happy to teach me how to do it also. I laughed and said I could never install my own HVAC system, he was the brilliant one, not me. Well, he sat down with me and we watched some installation videos. I had to admit, it didn’t seem to be that challenging. So he helped me figure out the best DIY ductless mini split to go for and I got one with 4 zones for a pretty sweet deal online. I had the new HVAC delivered to my home and then my brother and I were working on the installation. He took care of the heavy work like drilling the holes through the walls. That was too nerve wracking for me, but I was so happy when we completed the installation!
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