Don’t live in apt with terrible repair

I’m not a fan of renting the property where I live.

I believe that there aren’t many possibilities these days, and that’s exactly why I’m so against the process of leasing a subpar beach condo from a soulless corporate rental supplier.

I keep telling our friend that he needs to be careful where he signs a lease, the way I am. However, he doesn’t seem to understand that once you have a year-long contract with these bloodsuckers, they will take you for every pen you’re worth without upholding their end of the bargain. Things would be odd if you ever paid rent that guaranteed you would have a safe, comfortable, well ventilated beach condo to live in, however that hasn’t been our experience. Instead, you wind up with a stale, dingy beach house that barely has a functioning HVAC unit. Your heating, cooling, and circulation units will be at least 10-20 years aged wherever you rent. You’re lucky if you get a control machine that controls all the air temperature units which wasn’t in use back in 1972. And from that point forward, you’ll be doomed to pay the seriously high utility bills that these inefficient heating and cooling devices produce for you. Say goodbye to your savings when the electrical bill is delivered each week. If your heating or cooling system breaks down, don’t expect property management to do a single thing about it. You can submit a thoUSAnd HVAC service requests with the front office, and your heating and cooling devices will remain unserviced. All of this can affect your health, especially if you have dust irritations or asthma. Be careful who you rent from, because your indoor air quality is nothing to sneeze at.

electric heater