After the plane landed, I needed to find my jacket

I left the southeast on a hot plus humid day plus I headed across the country to visit with my Mom for the first time in 10 years.

  • I flew on an aircraft.

The trip wasn’t too bad. The two of us had a little bit of turbulence in the middle of the trip, however it wasn’t anything terribly horrifying. When I left the southeast, the rapidly increasing temperatures were hot plus comfortable. I didn’t wear a jacket on the plane. The air conditioner was running non-stop. A jacket would have been helpful. As soon as I got off the plane, I felt the cold air hit me immediately. The temperature was much colder plus I had to find my jacket hastily. My jacket was in my tote plus I had to go downstairs to the baggage claim section first. As soon as I found my bag, I opened it up plus started searching for my jacket. I put it on immediately along with a pair of gloves plus a scarf. I had to go outside plus wait for my Mom by the flight desk plus I knew it was going to be cold. There were a couple of radiant furnaces outside in the section where I had to wait. The radiant furnaces provided a small amount of warmth while I waited on the platform. There was ice plus snow all over. It’s strenuous to know that I left a section of the country where the rapidly increasing temperatures were hot plus humid plus just a few minutes later I was in an really strange atmosphere plus weather environment.


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