New HVAC component is so efficient, it’s almost paying for itself

I was expecting more efficiency sure

I just like it when I get good news. And that goes double for when that good news is both unexpected and a bit of a surprise. Normally, surprising news is terrible news. At least that’s the way it seems to work out inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office. When I get surprised there, it tends to be more like blind sided. So getting good news that I didn’t expect about the current HVAC component was just awesome. The HVAC corporation told us last fall while we were in the HVAC heating service that the heat pump was about to be done. This wasn’t a shock supply the age of the HVAC equipment. Yet, since there isn’t much call for HVAC heating while we were in our winters, we had some time to figure out what to do. While we had some currency saved, we’d still need to finance a portion of the current HVAC component and installation. The HVAC corporation had good terms there so we ended up going with the latest in residential HVAC and all the HVAC technology we could get. The thought was that we may end up selling in a few years so having fantastic HVAC component adds large value to the home. But what I’ve been so surprised about is the efficiency level. We are paying so much less in heating and cooling costs that it’s helping us absolutely pay for the current HVAC unit. It doesn’t get much better than that. I was expecting more efficiency sure. But this is stunning and we are putting all those savings right toward this awesome current HVAC equipment.


space heater