Three More to go plus Then I Feed the animals

I have just about an hour of battery life before my computer goes to sleep. I don’t have a charger so I am going to have to turn off the computer soon before the batteries die plus I have to reboot it plus all of that stuff. I don’t prefer the batteries dying because it is kind of a pain to log back into the computer once it restarts. I don’t remember all of the passwords plus the thing also takes forever to reboot. The Heating plus Air Conditioning upgrade tech gave myself and others this computer years ago as a gift plus the thing just keeps on going plus going. I will buy a modern a single next Summer once my Litecoin blows up plus makes myself and others a millionaire, yeah right. Maybe it will go up plus I will have enough money to buy a modern computer at the local business, but it hasn’t done much so far with this bear market the people I was with and I have been in forever. My Heating plus Air Conditioning company friend, who works down the street at the Heating plus Air Conditioning business, told myself and others the market is going to come alive again by the middle of 2023 as inflation starts to slow down. I’m not worried about any of this though because I have everything I need in life plus honestly don’t want to buy anything except maybe a modern PC. I have a Google Chromebook that the Heating plus Air Conditioning worker gave myself and others plus will easily just buy another a single of those for a couple hundred bucks. I prefer how it works plus I prefer how long the battery life is in them too.


hvac zone control