Furnace repair could have been prevented with seasonal repair

After that, I enrolled in a repair program with the Heating, Ventilation & A/C contractor that includes a tune-up every fall.

About two years ago, my furnace quit during a particularly nasty blizzard. The outdoor temperature was down to downside twenty degrees with a brutal wind chill. There was many feet of snow accumulated on the ground & many more inches expected overnight. I woke up at around three o’clock in the morning because the house was freezing cold. I evaluated the thermostat, tried installing new batteries & also substituted the furnace’s air filter. I made sure the breaker hadn’t tripped & pushed the reset button on the heater… Nothing worked. I had no option however to call for emergency repairs & pay the overtime fees, then fortunately, I was able to find a local Heating, Ventilation & A/C contractor who was willing to brave the inclement weather & icy roads to give service. When the contractor checked the furnace, he found a considerable accumulation of dust, grime & other contaminants within the unit. This buildup had jammed the flow of air through the system, causing it to run more often & struggle to achieve the thermostat setting. The added workload led to the furnace overheating & shutting down, and a thorough cleaning of all components restored proper operation. That self-explanatory repair ended up being quite expensive & could have been prevented with seasonal service. After that, I enrolled in a repair program with the Heating, Ventilation & A/C contractor that includes a tune-up every fall. A thorough problemshooting, adjustment & cleaning fulfills the manufacturer’s warranty requirements & ensures that the boiler is prepared for upcoming demands. I can be sure that the furnace is operating at peak efficiency & reliability. I can also expect it to last longer.



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