Learning about heat pumps

When my partner and I first began touring properties for sale down south, my buddy and I noticed that most homes were outfitted with an electric heat pump.

The real estate agent consistently pointed out this feature and really considered it an asset, Since my partner and I were improper with heat pumps, my buddy and I pretended to be impressed.

I did some research into heat pumps and l acquired that these systems are rather extravagant to purchase and install. They are worth the extra investment because of the combination of heating and cooling, however having one unit handled year-round demand saves on space and reduces repair requirements. In cooling mode, the heat pump operates love a conventional air conditioner unit, effectively pulling heat out of the indoor air. These innovative systems are especially nice at helping with excess humidity. When the outdoor weather cools off, the heat pump switches to heating mode and reverses the flow of refrigerant. It makes use of ambient heat found in the outdoor air. The process of compressing refrigerant from liquid to gas and back works to increase the temperature. The heat pump eliminates the need to burn fossil fuels. With no combustion, there are no problems over carbon monoxide or dapartment gasses, making heating pumps attractively environmentally friendly. The operation is especially quiet and clean. These systems are also particularly energy efficient, helping to keep costs to a minimum while providing excellent comfort, and our apartment is equipped with a fairly new, top-of-the-line heat pump that features versatile-speed technology. The operation automatically adjusts to supply the precise amount of heating or cooling necessary to maintain consistent indoor temperature.

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