The HVAC professional was requesting for a place to stay

I’m good friends with the local heating provider.

Because of that, he often gives me an immense discount when it comes to getting HVAC services.

Somewhat similar to having a HVAC service plan, which also gives immense discounts. I’ve always enjoyed this, and so when my heating professional friend started having issues in his house, I knew I wanted to help him. My HVAC professional friend was having some major repairs and upgrades at his home. Part of this was due to some serious weather in the part causing some disfigurement. My friend told me that he truly didn’t mind that much, because he had planned on upgrading several aspects of his household anyways. So repairing the weather disfigurement could happen at the same time as the upgrades. However, he needed a place for him and his two kids. The thing is, we have plenty of BnBs in our area, however since our part is a popular tourist sizzling spot, the BnBs were pretty expensive. So my friend was asking me if he could stay for 7 days, while the repairs were being done at his home. For me, this was no issue. I got the guest room prepared, with its own space heating system and a portable air conditioner machine, something I knew as an A/C professional he would appreciate. Then I welcomed him and his kids into my home. After all of the things he has done for me, I was delighted I could finally help him with something too.

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