Heating as well as cooling work each day

I like having a steady and consistent workday every day because I am a creature of habit and do well when I have to do the same thing over and over again.

I work on my writing for about two hours a day, and I also teach yoga to a client three times a week to make a little more money.

I just bought a modern drum, which is now my seventh drum. I probably shouldn’t have bought it, but now that I’m making more money each month, I can afford to make small purchases. The local business has a great selection of musical instruments, and the guy who runs it is such a nice person that you want him to do well. I could buy things cheaper online, but I like to help people in my town so that this little town can stay alive. In the winter, when business is slow, I buy all of my heating and air conditioning equipment and supplies from this heating contractor so that she can stay in business. Anyway, I’ll keep working for 15 more minutes to try to finish a couple more of these articles, and then I’ll leave my apartment for a while and take a ride around town. I can stop by the Heating and A/C supplier and say hi to my friend Neus. I saw and hugged Neus a few times last night on my way home from breakfast with a friend who works for a heating supplier. Have a great day and give your mom a hug.

Air conditioner service