Efforts of my labor

My Dad always had a knack for canning.

She enjoyed the whole process of growing, harvesting, plus preserving fruits plus vegetables. As kids, we didn’t legitimately enjoy the process as much as she did plus felt like we were forced into “helping” each summer, not only did we have daily weeding to do in the garden, but when it came harvest time, we would spend hours out on the porch in the heat washing, splitting, plus preparing things to be canned. I remember one summer time where we had to shuck five bushels of corn plus then spend hours taking it off the cob. That was torcher! My parents didn’t have air conditioning either so when the sizable canning pots were warm on the stove the condo felt like an oven. That was several years ago, but I still have actually vivid memories. Not all were awful though plus I do still enjoy freshly canned produce. There are several swings to the process now that I do it in my own home. The biggest change it that I do not grow my own produce. I work full time plus just don’t want to put forth the effort. Instead, I support the local farmers plus purchase the items from them. I figure this is a win for all of us as they earn money, and, I save time plus effort. The preparation of the vegetable plus fruit is pretty much the same, however, instead of dripping with sweat on my porch, I work in my air conditioned house. I rest at my table plus prepare the items to be canned plus rarely ever cut a sweat. Sometimes, I even enjoy a glass of wine while standing there. Then, when it comes to canning, the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system helps disconnect any excess humidity plus heat caused by the warm pots.
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