Worrying about my grandmother and her air conditioning unit

I worry about my grandmother more and more these days.

Ever since grandad died, she has been all alone in that house.

However, that’s the way she likes it. She insists on complete independence. That was fine for a while. She has really made that house hers and hers alone, and I respect that. However, I’m starting to wonder whether or not other accommodations would be more suitable for her. It is a two-story house and it has a basement as well, which means she’s going up and down stairs quite often, and that worries me. She also insists on doing her own yard work, with a manual lawn mower mind you! Maybe she still has the modicum of strength and balance left to deal with such things, but it is the lack of proper climate control in her home that worries me the most. In the summertime, she barely uses her air conditioner, and instead relies on a few fans here and there. Using the air conditioning unit would be far more effective, but I have to admit that even it is on its way out. She has an HVAC technician come out to repair it at least once a year, or so she says. I am seriously considering saving up the money to buy her a brand new air conditioning unit. I don’t think she would be able to ignore such kindness coming from her granddaughter, and I’m sure that she would be thankful and actually use it, or at least I hope!
air conditioner