There’s just one problem with my job right now

I really love my job.

  • I work in a really nice, modern office building downtown in a multi-story building.

There are a lot of different offices on our floor, but in my opinion, our office is the best. We have fish tanks in the walls and beautiful lighting and new carpet throughout the office suite. But there’s just one problem with our office, and that is the heating and cooling system. It’s not something that happens on any kind of a regular basis, but at least once or twice a week, you can count on the heating or the air conditioning going out. Of course, it depends on the season and which part of the HVAC system is running at that particular time. But something seems to always be going wrong with the heating or cooling in the office. In the summertime, whenever the air conditioning turns off for no good reason, the place starts heating up immediately. We have these big floor to ceiling windows across two of the main walls and the sun shining in makes the temperatures feel so high! I think the windows are kind of the same problem in the winter, because the heating seems to go right out the window, so to speak. I know that lots of my co-workers have the same issues when it comes to our office. We all like our work, our boss, and our office environment – with the exception of the HVAC system! I’m hoping when the building gets remodeled next year, they will put in a new HVAC unit.

a/c service