Getting some help

I have not been able to find a good medical health plan for the life of me ever since I moved to the place I live now.

They do not have the health plans available here that we used to have where I lived before.

It’s a whole different ball game. I would have never moved to a place like this, however my job required it and offered me a great pay raise to do it, so I would not refuse something like that. It’s just that my job does not offer any health plans. They never did. So I always had my own health plans in place. Until this move. All of the health plans I have looked at are either way too expensive or they just do not have what I need in a health plan all together. I called a few medical offices to inquire about all the health plans they have in the area here. And none of the health plans they had available were going to be the help I actually needed. So I guess I will just have to keep on searching for the most perfect health plan to get myself back on track. I would have an easier time finding some kind of health and fitness center that had a good membership to be honest. But that of course is not a health plan. I do need to stay in shape, so I will probably be joining one of these health and fitness centers anyhow in the long run. Maybe someone there will know something about reasonable local health plans.

