I got a little tip to add years to your life with air purification systems

It wasn’t too long ago when my father said that he wanted me to come with him so he could look at life insurance policies.

He said when he passed away, he didn’t want us to have to worry about his funeral costs and all of that.

I told him it wasn’t such a big deal and we could cover those things, but he still insisted. When we got to the life insurance office, I was actually impressed by the amazing air quality in this venue. We started talking about various life insurance policies, but I couldn’t help mention how nice the air quality was. The employee we were speaking too actually got really excited because he said he also loved the excellent air quality. He explained that they invested in a powerful UV air purification system. He was saying that he could almost feel the added years onto his life working in such excellent conditions. That was something I never really thought about, investing in improved health to add years to your life. I realized that my father could use a good UV air purification system for his house as well, and then he would probably have more years added to his life also. I didn’t like the idea of my father dying and this life insurance thing was making me think about it even more. So when I had some HVAC technicians install a powerful UV air purification in his home, he wanted to refuse, but I had to insist. I said it was for improving his health and he ended up thanking me for that.

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