When should I get my HVAC units inspected

I just recently heard about HVAC inspections, but I wish that I would have heard about HVAC inspections much sooner.

I had no idea that you could pay an HVAC technician to come and check over your entire HVAC unit to make sure that it was working properly.

The HVAC technician will charge about the same price as an HVAC service call just for inspecting your HVAC unit, but it is definitely worth it. The HVAC technician will travel to your house on a day that is convenient for you, and they will spend hours going through every detail of your HVAC unit. If you have a furnace and a central air conditioner, they will inspect both. At the end of the HVAC inspection, they will have a list of all of the repairs that your HVAC unit needs. Some of these repairs are things that immediately need to be addressed in order for your HVAC unit to last through the summer, and some of the repairs are optional, but they might cause HVAC problems in the future. Regardless, you can choose which repairs to have your HVAC technician perform, and they give a discounted price on that. By having your HVAC unit inspected, you could fix all of the problems before they turn into massive problems, and you can have the peace of mind knowing that your HVAC unit isn’t going to randomly stop working. That is why you should have an HVAC technician inspect your HVAC units before you need to use them. I am going to have my HVAC units inspected during the spring and the fall so that I never have to worry about my HVAC units breaking down during crucial moments.

Zoned HVAC