I do not need an air purifier in my home because the air quality is fine

If Karen refuses to stop by because she’s upset about the indoor air pollen levels, then that is on her

My friend Karen is a hypochondriac, so you can only imagine how she was during the pandemic! She had multiple episodes where she thought that she had the virus and I had to be there each time to calm her down. During the height of the pandemic, she barely left her house. She had her groceries delivered and she wiped and sprayed them down before she put them away. When she did go out in public, she used hand sanitizer every chance she got and she carried around extra wipes to use on all door handles and common surfaces. She was obsessed and it got a bit ridiculous. Although I understand why she was that way. Now that the pandemic is “over”, Karen’s current obsession is indoor air pollen levels. She purchased a few of those air purification systems for her home! The ones that use the ionization technology to kill the viruses and bacteria on surfaces. I understand why Karen would want to have good air quality in her home, but she has gone too far with this. I say that because Karen refuses to visit me because I don’t have an air purification system. She says until I get one, she will not visit me at home. Now, I have no plans on getting an air purification system. I am not sure what the air quality is in our home, although I am sure that it’s not terrible, especially since our Heating as well as A/C device is consistently maintained and I change our filter quite often. If Karen refuses to stop by because she’s upset about the indoor air pollen levels, then that is on her. I will see her when I see her.



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