The cooling system never broke down while we were living there

When I lived with some roommates for a couple of years, we surprisingly were able to get along.

We all did our fair share of the chores around the property and we worked together to make everything work out. We all agreed that we had to pay careful attention to the energy bills in the home and we looked for energy saving tips all the time. We did smart things like replaced the light bulbs with LED bulbs which are highly energy efficient. We installed a smart thermostat to work with the HVAC system too. Something else we all realized was that we needed home services done regularly. We spoke to the landlord and he said that he would only have an HVAC worker come out to work on the heating system, not the cooling system. I thought that was kind of dumb since he should be keeping up with the equipment in his own house, but we ended up covering the home services needed for the cooling system. We actually enrolled into a service contractor with a local cooling provider and we got a pretty good deal for all the maintenance work that was needed. It’s funny because before I ended up moving out, the landlord was saying how it was amazing that we never had our cooling system break down. I explained it was because of the proactive services done on the cooling equipment, and it really was something that should be done every single year. I hope he learned from our example and decided to get into an HVAC service plan with a local contractor.



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