Owning a apartment has become much more of a hassle the older I get. I’ve lucked out to be able to make some money on the sale of 2 homes. However, with the economic temperature the way it is now, owning a apartment isn’t necessarily the financial lock it once was. The value of apartment ownership is debatable for the first time in our life. The sale of our last apartment was not anywhere as lucrative as the first sale. Plus, I’m sick of being on the hook for every single detail. I’m just not as interested in the weight of apartment ownership. The next time the Heating plus Air Conditioning goes out, it’s not on me. Currently, all I have to do is call the rental office if I have a problem with an appliance. Granted, the rental office may not transfer on our requests with the seriousness I might. But, I love it someone else has to call the heating plus cooling men to make an appointment. In fact, I am having a bit of an Heating plus Air Conditioning issue right now. The heating plus cooling device in our rental apartment is way overdue for an update. I have pointed out that I am dealing with a heat pump which has less than a 10 SEER rating. The refrigerant could also be r 22 this Heating plus Air Conditioning is so old. In our call to the rental office, I reminded them it may behoove them to replace the Heating plus Air Conditioning device now. Waiting another year will be more costly. The close to 2020 the two of us get, the more it’s going to cost to replace a decrepit Heating plus Air Conditioning unit. The dawn of 2020 marks the time r 22 refrigerant will no longer be manufactured in the United States. I’m urging the rental group to update our Heating plus Air Conditioning now while the prices are more passable. But, I’m ecstatic it’s someone else’s problem.