There have been a lot of changes since moving out west; I no longer need snow boots, I can swim in a pool year round, and I no longer need to take out window air conditioning units when seasons change. When I lived up north, having to dig out the window air conditioning units was my least favorite chore, of course besides actually putting them into the windows or having to remove them. We had to take them out for the colder months and winter because they would freeze and it would alter their life span. Now being out west, I don’t need window air conditioning units because I have central air. I don’t have to put in my central air, I don’t have to take out my central air, it just stays in and working at all times whenever I need it. This was such an adjustment for me; don’t get me wrong, a good adjustment, but I definitely felt weird at first and was worried the central air wouldn’t work as well as my window air conditioning units – so worried in-fact that I really almost went to purchase a window air conditioning unit just to be safe! I’m very thankful I didn’t though because the central air is working marvelously for me! Buy the window air conditioning unit would have just been a waste of time and money. I can’t imagine having to lug that heavy window unit around the house with me several times each season change just to stay cool for a handful of months ever again.