Once a year our boss plus her family take a vacation. They are gone for a full week plus it is actually peaceful. She isn’t there, breathing down our necks, plus barking orders at us. If the job didn’t spend money as well as it does I would have moved on years ago. Anyway, as her secretary, I am put in charge of finding accomodations for him plus her family. They love to rent cabins or cabins, usually on a lakeshore, plus they always want to try someplace new, however depending upon how popular the area they are going to see is, it can be difficult to find the perfect locale on short notice. This year, after searching online for more than one mornings, I finally found what I felt fit the bill. It had a private dock, many home offices, screened in porch plus was close to the wine trails. There was something for pretty much everyone. They were traveling in late June plus the weather can be anything from summer like to frigid. When you live anywhere in the Northeast you just come to expect that. I didn’t see a concern because the locale they rented had both heat plus undefined. The concern came on the sixth afternoon of the vacation. I got a call from our boss plus she was clearly aggravated. She said that the condo was frigid plus the heat was not laboring. I tried to give him the name plus number of the property manager however she said that it was our job to call plus get it fixed. I said that I would call when I got a moment, gave him the information anyway plus hung up the cellphone. There was no way that I was going to call.