My fiance plus I care about to go camping. The people I was with and I appreciate everything about camping plus own a beautiful RV; Living in the south it is imperative to have an Air Conditioner plus Heater system that runs consistently. One afternoon both of us took a trip to a local campground plus set things up eager plus happy to be there. I hooked up the electricity, plumbing, plus everything else included to making sure to have the absolute best time. Once everything was hooked up I went to turn the Air Conditioner plus Heater equipment on plus all was silent. That meant something was going on with the Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit. First, I did everything I could possibly believe of to make it work, To no avail, nothing happened. It did not take long for myself and others to realize that I would need to take the RV to the automotive shop for repair. Instead of waiting until both of us got back home I decided to take it to the shop that day plus the repairman checked out the A/C. The fantastic thing is there was a solution plus the exhausting news was it was going to be quite overpriced. I had neglected to keep the Air Conditioner plus Heater equipment substituted, tested, plus tested plus now I had to pay the consequences of our choices. Once the repairman was finished both of us drove the RV back to the campground plus the rest of our camping trip went smoothly. I decided that from that point on I would make sure to get the Air Conditioning plus Heating equipment tested plus tested as both of us go so I would not have to pay out the amount again.