You assume what drives me insane? When our parents truly rarely have the home warm. Both of us live up north, and yeah it gets to be absolutely freezing. I don’t care for being cold. It’s one thing that i cannot stand. The only way I can warm myself up is when the heat is on or burying myself under tons of blankets in our bed. I can’t lay in bed all day when i have to get stuff done around the house. I swear our parents don’t assume in heat. What’s the point of having an Heating and AC method when it feels like they don’t use it. Both of us could live in in an igloo and it would particularly be warmer than our parents house. Not really, however periodically i assume that way. Our oil furnace broke last week. I thought our home was freezing before, well it was absolutely freezing now. I had to wear 3 extra layers to keep our body temperature up. My mom called the Heating and AC business to come over to take a look at our Heating and A/C system. They arrived an third later and i was never so enthusiastic to see someone in our life. The worker went to take a look at our Heating and A/C system. The worker told our mom that the pipes were plugged. He would need to unclog them for us before he can get our oil furnace working again. I was starting to guess maybe that was why our home was regularly so freezing even when the heat was on. The pipes must have been plugged for a while, and our Heating and A/C method couldn’t take it anymore so it officially stopped working.