I absolutely hate going grocery shopping. It’s a time-consuming, aggravating, & bad process. The nearest grocery store is a thirty minute drive from our house. I then dedicate over an hour in the store, & spend several hundred dollars. I constantly procrastinate for as long as possible. I hold off until our family is running out of essentials such as toilet paper, toothpaste, bread, & milk. I finally gave in & got groceries last Monday. I made sure to get up & get going really early in the morning to get the ordeal over with. The outside temperature was already in the low eighties so I dressed in shorts, tank top, & sandals. I ran the cooling system in the automobile to keep cool. However, when I stepped inside the grocery store I instantly started to shiver. The commercial air conditioning was undoubtedly blasting at maximum capacity and there was indeed no escaping the extremely cold air pouring from the several overhead Heating & A/C vents. Plus the grocery store was playing country songs which I hate. I raced through the store as hastily as possible. I forgot several items from our list & obtained quite a few things that I didn’t want or need. I simply wanted to get away from the air conditioning as hastily as possible. By the time I finally left the store the outside temperature had climbed into the high eighties with brutal humidity. While unloading the groceries from the cart & placing them in the trunk of the car I became drenched with sweat. I then climbed into our overheated car & waited forever for the cooling system to finally provide some cool air.