My Parents can leave many to scratch their heads. I just assume that they grew up in a different time, and they have become accustomed to their own methods and ways. I myself have found my kids thinking about my Wife Mary and I the same way, so I understand it a bit. I try not to give them a hard time about the way they like to do things, because I know I have certain stubborn practices that I don’t want anyone to force me to not do either. However, sometimes their preferences have me worried about their health. As such, they have had the same home for over 40 years now. By this point, both their air conditioner and furnace are certainly shot as well. Living in a Southern climate does alleviate some concerns over them not having a functional central heater in their home, yet I still do worry about their health when the temperatures get really low. In fact, my wife and I tried an experiment where we would go a week without using our central heater. We live around the same area, so our climates are very similar. We did use space heaters as they do, but we couldn’t make it more than 3 days before we caved and turned up our thermostat. Afterward, I went ahead and called my Parents to beg them to look into superior heating systems for their home. I even begged them to let us have an HVAC specialist give them an estimate on fixing whatever issues present with their HVAC system. We told them we would cover all costs, but, of course, they said they were happy just the way they were!